Learn & Inspire
Private Classes
Our classes are fully customized to teach you exactly what you want to learn in a private setting or the comfort of your own home. The possibilities are endless, but we’re happy to provide guidance to get you started.
Our workshops are small-scale interactive events on specific topics. Private group workshops are available in addition to those open to the public.
Bariatric Chef Support
No matter where you are on your bariatric journey we are here to help. We offer bariatric-specific classes, workshops, meal planning, and more for each stage of the process from pre-op to maintenance, all customized to your tastes.
Shopping Trips
Navigating the supermarket can be overwhelming, and sorting through a seemingly endless range of options can be daunting. We make shopping easy and help you make the best (and most delicious) choices with our shopping trips. A shopping trip can be a stand-alone experience, or added onto any of our classes.
Nutrition Translation
If you have specific nutritional requirements for your lifestyle or a medical condition this is the service for you. We work with you (and any guidelines you’ve been provided by a dietician, if you’ve consulted one) to make sure you understand how to shop, cook, and order delicious nutritious food that is suitable to your needs.
Professional consulting Services
We provide a full range of consulting services for the food sector.